Designed & produced by Eric Maclewis
Scottish lullabies (Christina Stewart)
Dream Angus is a very nice lullaby from Scottish tradition : I have tried to follow the singers (like The Corries) when writing the score for bagpipe.
That being said, tempo and interpretation depend both on the piper sensibility.
The two “A's” ending bars 8 and 16 are supposed to be rather long...
I've also lightened the grace notes : even if played with a bagpipe, it still remains a lullaby...
Dream Angus
Dream Angus
- The Corries version -
Can ye no hush your weepin'
All the wee lambs are sleepin'
Birdies are nestlin' nestlin' thegither
Dream Angus is hirplin' o’er the heather
Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell
Angus is coming wi' dreams to sell
Hush now my bairnie, sleep without fear
Dream Angus will bring you a dream my dear
List' to the curlew cryin'
Faint are the echoes dyin'
Even the birds and beasties are sleepin'
But my bonnie bairn lies greetin' greetin'
Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell
Angus is coming wi' dreams to sell
Hush now my bairnie, sleep without fear
Dream Angus will bring you a dream my dear
- score written by Eric Maclewis with CelticPipes