Designed & produced by Eric Maclewis
Eric Maclewis - Celtic Lexicon
Bagad (-où) band from Brittany with bombards, bagpipes, drums (*)
Binioù bagpipe from Brittany, the sharpest one of the world
Bodhrán Irish drum
Bombard double reed instrument (Brittany), oboe ancestor
Border Pipe Scottish bagpipe from the Borders (Lowlands)
Great Highland Bagpipe (GHB) the most known and powerful among the bagpipes around the world was created in Scotland
Highlands (Highland) region of Scotland (North and West)
Low whistle Irish whistle
Pipe Band Scottish band with bagpipes and drums
Piper bagpipe player
Session Pipe Scottish bagpipe looking like a GHB but not so loud
Tin whistle Irish metal whistle
(*) The word "Bagad" comes from "Bagaudes", an evolution of a Gallic word describing the troops of rebels - mainly consisting of ruined farmers - who marked the last centuries of the Roman Empire in Gaul and also in other countries.
The first testimonies located them in Armorica (continental Brittany).
Bagaudes can mean "fighters" and has led to the Breton word "Bagad", meaning troop or band.
When Music joins History…