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Designed & produced by Eric Maclewis© ericdentinger.com2008-2025
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ALBA - SCOTLANDA Guide to Scottish TartansAndrew Lenz' s bagpipe journeyAndy StewartBob Dunsire forumFranco-Scottish Society of ScotlandJacobite SongsJames Scott SkinnerPipe Tunes (Jim McGillivray)Scotland Is NowScottish Tartans AuthorityThe CorriesThe Scottish Register Of TartansThe Traditional Tune Archive
BREIZH - BRITTANYBrittany - Scotland AssociationTraditional music and dance in Brittany… in 1928!MISCELLANEOUSCelticPipes (notation)Tatiana Fomina - Photography
Just for fun (English… or Scottish viewers…)